@article{oai:st.agnes.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001327, author = {山岡, 祥子 and YAMAOKA, Shoko}, journal = {平安女学院大学研究年報, Heian Jogakuin University journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {京都は千年続く文化都市として世界的にも人気があり、観光客の数も年々伸び続けている。京都での宿泊客のもてなしの中心は、宿泊施設(旅館・ホテル)であるが、その接遇についての形態的研究は今日まで進んでこなかった。そこで本稿では接遇の中で、具象として捉えやすいにも関わらず資料が残ってこなかった「言葉」に焦点を当て、そのおもてなし言葉である「接遇敬語」についての現状調査と分類を行う事とした。それにより、旅館とホテルで使用されている敬語には大きく差があり、ホテルではより丁重な敬語を、旅館では丁重な敬語と簡易な敬語をバランスよく使用していることが分かった。また、接遇敬語の使用形態から宿泊施設を4 類型(モデル)に分け、それぞれの客の欲求に対するもてなし方法について検討を試みた。本研究ではこれからのおもてなしの在り方にふさわしい接遇用語のスタイルを探ることを最終の課題としたが、京都の旅館で使用されている、丁寧でかつ親しみのある敬語や京言葉を交えたバリエーション豊かな接遇敬語が今後の良い範例になっていくと考えた。, In an attempt to investigate the most appropriate language style for hospitality and customer service situations, this study compares the stylistic differences between honorific expressions that are used for offering customer service at ryokans (traditional Japanese inns) and those at Westernstyle hotels operated in Kyoto. To obtain the data, a telephone call was made to a number of ryokans and hotels selected for the purpose, asking for advice on how the caller (the customer) should go fromJR Kyoto station to the receiver's establishment. Each time the phone call was made, the caller took notes of honorific expressions used by the addressee, which were subsequently analyzed and classified according to the four types of accommodation facilities chosen for this research. The results show that there is a notable difference between Western-style hotels and those at ryokans in the way the staff members use honorific expressions when answering their customers' questions. The use of more formal honorifics seems to be the norm at Western-style hotels, whereas a balanced mixture of both formal and standard honorifics depending on the customers' needs appears to be more commonly used at ryokans. The results also suggest that the kinds of honorifics as well as a richvariety of friendly local dialect used at ryokans in Kyoto, might serve as good models to emulate for people engaged in the hospitality industry in the city which is regarded as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world., 2, KJ00010219099}, pages = {8--16}, title = {京都の宿泊施設(旅館・ホテル)における接遇敬語の現状と課題}, volume = {16}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤマオカ, ショウコ} }